South Cerney Squadron Report July 2023

From Eastbourne to Izmir our sailors and alumni are now spreading themselves out for the summer and the pace has briefly relaxed into a rhythm of indolence. We’re not always quite so relaxed. In fact the last few months have passed in a bit of a whirl. June saw the second of our now annual Flying Fifteen Youth helm trophy where the cadet helms demonstrate just how portable their sailing skills have become indeed seeing a competitive start from our Fifteen fleet seems quite a novelty. Visitors and Cerney sailors then combined to fill the lake with spinnakers over the weekend of the hotly contested Cerney Open. Congratulations to Sam and Audrey for stealing away our trophy.

The background texture has been one of regular Saturday coaching and club racing at the weekends and on Wednesday evenings with a sprinkle of paddle boarding and general mayhem in the mix. We’ve welcomed new sailors of all ages while some of our seniors have expanded their CVs with powerboat, first aid and instructor qualifications. Bravo to them and bravo to you for reading this far.

Love from Cerney

Alice Thorogood